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尽管在35至60岁的亚裔美国人中,纸媒仍具不小的影响力,但是数字和社交媒体营销开始占据越来越重要的角色。结合数字,纸媒和社交媒体的综合推广方案一直是我们公司在宣传上的优势。我们拥有最大的中文周报和最受欢迎的社交媒体频道。不管是整版商业广告,还是全面的原创内容营销,我们团队都会把控好每个环节,让您的品牌推广中的策略,文案,翻译,设计等得到最好的呈现。 我们的实力:

  • 拥有为多达1,200家中小企业和品牌提供多元文化宣传的15年成功经验
  • 运营大费城地区最大的两份华文和越南文报纸,及最大的微信公众号
  • 拥有对亚裔市场的深刻了解和各亚裔社团的长久合作关系
  • 拥有市场营销专家,地方公共关系顾问,专业翻译人士,美工和网络开发人员的强大团队
  • 可提供技术和多语言需求的一站式解决方案

Over the past 15 years, New Mainstream Media has partnered with numerous establishments, including local and national corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations, and successfully planned and executed marketing campaigns that helped them build brand awareness and generate great results in the target Asian American communities.

Though print media is still strong among Asian American population from 35 to 60 years old, digital and social media marketing play an increasingly significant role. A comprehensive campaign combining the digital, print and community outreach strategies has been our strength in building your brands among the regional Asian American population.


  • 15-year successful experience of offering effective multicultural marketing solutions for over 1,200 enterprises and small businesses

  • Operation of the two largest newspapers in the Chinese and Vietnamese market

  • Profound understanding and knowledge of the Asian market

  • Established relationships with local Asian businesses and organizations

  • Operation of the most popular social media channel on WeChat in the region

  • A strong, collaborative team of marketing specialists, translation professionals, graphic designers and web developers

  • One-stop solution for potential technical and multilingual needs