
2023年5月25日晚,市长办公室在“回归根源”(Back to the Root)庆祝活动中表彰了亚太裔美国人的贡献。这次庆祝活动向亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民(AANHPI)社区所做出的许多贡献致敬,也是对塑造他们身份和生活经历的文化和丰富遗产的致敬。

记者/Reporter:Cory ClarkBack to the Root
Photographed by Metro Chinese

费城 – 2023年5月25日晚,市长办公室在“回归根源”(Back to the Root)庆祝活动中表彰了亚太裔美国人的贡献。这次庆祝活动向亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民(AANHPI)社区所做出的许多贡献致敬,也是对塑造他们身份和生活经历的文化和丰富遗产的致敬。

PHILADELPHIA- On the evening of May 25, 2023, The Mayor’s office recognized the contributions of the AAPI in a Back to the Root celebration. The celebration honored the many contributions made by the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and a homage to the cultures and rich heritages that have shaped their identities and lived experiences.


The Congress established May as Asian Pacific American Islander Heritage Month in 1992 to highlight the stories of people in the United States who are of Asian or Pacific Islander descent and to honor the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, which was primarily built by Chinese immigrant laborers as well as the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the U.S. The month-long celebration honors the heritage and histories of people from the Asian continent and islands across the South Pacific, including Hawaii, American Samoa, Federated Islands of Micronesia, Guam, and more. 
Back to the Root2
Photographed by Metro Chinese


The event opened with several elegant traditional dances from the Chinese American Women’s Society of Philadelphia, who performed beautifully despite technical difficulties with the music.
费城市长吉姆·肯尼(Jim Kenney)在预先录制的声明中说:“在过去的十年中,费城超过39%的经济增长来自我们的AANHPI社区。‘回归根源’活动是一个机会,让我们听取一些亚太裔社区成员的意见。”“他们是经济增长的主导,并为此作出了不懈的努力和杰出的贡献,他们将文化遗产和经济机遇的梦想带向更远的未来。这是费城成为一座自豪而热情好客城市的众多原因之一。”
Over the last ten years, more than 39 percent of Philadelphia’s growth was due to our AANHPI communities,” said Mayor Jim Kenney in a pre recorded statement. “Back to the Roots is an opportunity to hear from some of the community members who are part of that growth and who have worked and continue to work hard to bring their cultural heritage and dreams of economic opportunity forward. This is one of many reasons Philadelphia is a proud, Welcoming City.”AAPI
Photographed by Metro Chinese


The Mayor’s speech wasn’t immune from the technical snafus of the evening, and the Chinese American Women’s Society of Philadelphia stepped in to create some space for the techies to do their magic. As the evening progressed and all the bugs were worked out of the system, the rest of the event flowed like water in a stream.  
“我们致力于在地方政府的各个层面确保社区的声音被听见,因此我们很高兴支持这个活动,让我们的亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民居民的故事和经历得到展示,”市长办公室公共参与执行主任罗玛娜·李-秋山(Romana Lee-Akiyama)表示。”每当我们为各种多样的社区留出空间,接纳他们的存在,我们就增强了我们的民主和城市的力量。当我们聆听我们居民的才华、天赋和贡献时,包括我们的AANHPI社区,费城的未来会更加光明。”
“We’re dedicated to ensuring that community voice is heard at all levels of local government, so we are excited to be supporting this event featuring stories and experiences of our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander residents,” said Romana Lee-Akiyama, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Public Engagement. “Every time we make room at the table for diverse communities to be included, we strengthen our democracy and city. Philadelphia’s future is bright when we lean into our residents’ gifts, talents, and contributions, including our AANHPI communities.”


Three Panelist shared their story of entrepreneurship as a celebration and reflection of their cultural heritage.

Raquel Villanueva-Dang是Baby’s Filipino Kitchen and Market的创始人之一,她表示:“我发现很难找到真正代表菲律宾美食文化的人。作为来自一个少数群体的人,我感到有义务站出来填补这个空缺。如果我要投资,我会选择费城,因为我相信这里有巨大的潜力和机遇。”

“I found it hard to find anyone really representing Filipino food culture,” Raquel Villanueva-Dang, Baby’s Filipino Kitchen and Market. “As someone from an underrepresented community, I felt an obligation to others to step up and fill the gap, and if I were going to invest my money anywhere, it would be in Philly.”

“我们开始时遇到了不少困难,” Tabachoy的另一位菲律宾餐厅老板Chance Anies表示。”我们有充足的资本,但很难获得所需的许可证,不得不退后一步重新开始。我们的储备资金和坚持不懈帮助我们最终取得成功。但很多人没有这种额外的资金,所以当他们面临繁琐的审批和不负责任的城市机构时,他们的梦想就会破灭。”

“We had a hard time getting started,” said Chance Anies, Tabachoy, another Filipino restaurant owner. “We had plenty of capital but had a tough time getting the permits we needed and had to step back and start over. The reserve capital we had on hand and our persistence got us over the finish line. Many people don’t have that kind of extra money, so it’s the end of their dream when they’re hit with red tape and unresponsive city agencies like that.”   

“我们开业初期不知道该向谁求助,费城需要更好地宣传相关计划和项目,” Unrivaled 的创始人Pheng Seng 指出。

“When we first opened, we didn’t know who to go to; we need to publicize programs better in Philly,” Pheng Seng, Unrivaled.

“移民企业家们的多样故事、才华和技能,包括亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民,为我们的城市创造了世界级的吸引力。‘回归根源’活动庆祝这种充满活力、具有文化、社会和经济影响的力量,这些力量每天都在提升我们的城市。”商务部主任安妮·纳多尔(Anne Nadol)表示。

“The multifaceted stories, talents, and skills of immigrant entrepreneurs, including Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders, help shape our city as a world-class destination. Back to the Roots event celebrates such vibrant cultural, social, and economic impacts that uplift our city daily,” said Anne Nadol, Director of the Department of Commerce.AAPI2
Photographed by Metro Chinese


After the panelists told the truth of their struggles, determination, and the cultural heritages that hoisted them to their successes, the attendees packed into another reception room for culinary delights from across the AAPI community and traditional music before wrapping up for the evening.

“作为Baby’s Filipino Kitchen and Market的老板,我非常激动和荣幸能成为‘回归根源’活动庆祝AAPI传统月的一份子,” Raquel Villanueva Dang表示。“作为一名商人以及第一代菲律宾裔美国人,重新发现和尊重我们的文化遗产既充满力量又充满了挑战。”

“I am so excited and honored to have been a part of the Back to the Roots event celebrating AAPI Heritage Month,” said Raquel Villanueva Dang, Owner of Baby’s Filipino Kitchen and Market. “Rediscovering and honoring my heritage through entrepreneurship and as a first-generation Filipina-American has been both empowering and challenging.”


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