
乙型肝炎(Hep B)在美国亚裔社群,特别是在费城是一个无声的杀手。尽管亚裔美国人仅占美国人口的6%,但在全国860,000至2,400,000名患有慢性乙型肝炎的人中,亚裔美国人占了一半以上。这是美国最大的种族健康差距之一。 在美国,患有乙型肝炎的人中超过60%是亚洲人,其中三分之二的亚裔美国人患有乙型肝炎仍不知道自己已经感染了病毒。费城居住着超过212,000名亚裔美国人中,亚太裔社区中接受检测或接种疫苗的人数不到10%。

Hep B4


Fighting Back Against Chinatown’s Silent Killer

记者/Reporter:Cory Clark



Photographed by familydoctor.org

乙型肝炎(Hep B)在美国亚裔社群,特别是在费城是一个无声的杀手。尽管亚裔美国人仅占美国人口的6%,但在全国860,000至2,400,000名患有慢性乙型肝炎的人中,亚裔美国人占了一半以上。这是美国最大的种族健康差距之一。

Hepatitis B (Hep B) is a silent killer in the Asian American Community, especially in Philadelphia. While Asian Americans constitute only 6% of the population in the United States, they comprise over half of the nation’s 860,000 to 2.4 million people chronically infected with Hep B. This is one of the greatest racial health disparities in the United States.


According to the Hepatitis B Foundation, the largest at-risk groups are Asian American, Pacific Islander, and African immigrant communities. However, with the current addiction crisis, we are now seeing increases in acute hepatitis B infection among people who inject drugs.

费城市公共卫生部门病毒性肝炎项目经理Danica Kuncio表示:“随着费城阿片类药物使用率的增加,很多人都因不规范注射患上这种传染性病。”

“We’re seeing a lot of folks have these infectious diseases that are consequences of substance use disorder, as the rates of opioid use have increased in Philadelphia,” said Danica Kuncio, viral hepatitis program manager at the city Department of Public Health.


The danger of Chronic hepatitis B is that often there aren’t any symptoms until it’s too late to treat.

图片来源:Hepatitis B Foundation
Photographed by Hepatitis B Foundation


More than 60 percent of people with Hep B in the US are Asian and two in three Asian Americans with Hep B don’t know they are infected. Of the more than 212,000 people of Asian descent living in Philadelphia, less than 10 percent of the local AAPI communities have been tested or vaccinated.

“费城乙型肝炎的主要驱动因素与出生在乙肝流行国家的人有关,在这些国家,乙肝是通过分娩传播的,包括撒哈拉以南非洲和东南亚的一些国家。” Kuncio说。“有些人从出生时就患有此病。”

“A primary driver of hepatitis B in the city is related to people being born in countries where it’s endemic, where it’s passed through childbirth,” including some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia,” said Kuncio. “Some people have had it since they were born.”


While confirmed Hep B infections can be found in every neighborhood in Philly the most up-to-date research suggests that North and South Philly have the highest rates of confirmed infection with the largest concentrations in Chinatown and the Elmwood neighborhood in Southeast Philly.


Data suggest medical racism and a host of sociocultural issues specific to immigrant communities stand in the way of saving lives from this silent killer. Language barriers, immigrant status, financial and institutional barriers have led to a poor understanding of Chronic Hep B and its complications, and a deeply entrenched stigma associated with the disease.

Photographed by Metro Chinese


According to one study focused on the Korean American community, “The participants’ overall awareness of the disease and prevention methods demonstrated poor understanding of important characteristics and potential outcomes of the disease. Additionally, differences in cultural expectations and a lack of understanding and utilization of healthcare systems affected health literacy in further limiting participants’ motivation to seek care.”



Most Asian Americans who are chronically infected with Hep B are infected at birth through mother-to-child transmission or during early childhood through horizontal transmission. Making them 200 times more likely to develop liver disease than those who aren’t infected. More than 90 percent of newly infected infants, 25-50 percent of children infected between ages one and five years, and 6-10 percent of acutely infected older children and adults will develop a chronic Hep B infection.


Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) has partnered with the Hepatitis B Foundation, as a member of the United Hep B Coalition, implementing an AAPI-focused Hep B project that raises awareness of Hep B and increases screening, immunization, and disease management opportunities.

图片来源:Hepatitis B Foundation
Photographed by Hepatitis B Foundation

“利用我们在社区的深厚根基,以及在Crane Center的社区空间,我们进行了三次乙型肝炎筛查,其中两次是独立的诊所,第三次是在我们六月份的年度博览会期间进行的,” 费城华埠发展会的健康项目负责人Kaizan Kollin说。“到目前为止,我们的诊所总共筛查了45多名社区成员,但我们有希望在未来达到普及筛查的目标。”

“Using our deep roots in the community and taking advantage of our community space at the Crane Center, we have conducted three Hepatitis B screenings, two of them, standalone clinics, and the third during our annual EXPO in June,” said Kaizan Kollin, the Health Project associate of the PCDC. “In total, our clinics have screened more than 45 community members thus far, but we’re hopeful to reach universal screening in the future.”

“我们通过讲述故事来对抗乙型肝炎歧视,” Kollin说。“我们采访了社区中有乙型肝炎经历的人,并通过社交媒体宣传他们的经历,包括为期三个月的艺术活动,以提高人们对这种疾病的认识,它已经覆盖了广泛的年龄群体。”

“Our project takes a unique approach by combating Hep B stigma through storytelling,” said Kollin.  “We conducted interviews with people who live in our community who have a lived experience with Hep B and disseminated their experiences through social media storytelling, including a three-month long Arts Contest to raise awareness of the disease that has reached a broad age range of individuals.”

Photographed by Metro Chinese

“我们正在努力尽可能多地进行科普,提高志愿者的文化素养和语言能力,以确保更多的人对这类疾病的理解,而不仅仅是某些特定的群体可以接受乙肝和丙肝的治疗。” Kuncio说。

“We’re trying to bring as much education as we can and promote cultural competency and language access amongst providers to ensure that it’s not just certain groups that can receive care for hepatitis B and C,” said Kuncio.


The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has a target goal of eliminating Hep B and C by 2030, The Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Elimination Plan will contain strategies and activities to achieve these goals and will be updated annually to track progress and adapt their strategy as needs change.


Philly’s efforts may get a boost from a federal plan by the Biden Administration to eliminate hepatitis C across the US over the next five years with a proposed budget of 11 billion dollars, funding everything from tests to medications and cures.

“这是我们作为一个城市可以团结在一起的事情,以便让人们接受检测、治疗、治愈、接种疫苗、接受教育,尝试减少某些偏见,” Kuncio说。“在费城的每个邮政编码区域,人们都在患有乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎。”

“This is what we as a city can unite around to get people tested, treated, cured, vaccinated, educated, try to reduce some stigma,” said Kuncio. “These are conditions that in every zip code in Philadelphia, people are living with hepatitis B and C.”

费城的药店提供乙型肝炎和甲型肝炎疫苗,而像Arbutus Biopharma这样的公司正在努力寻找治疗慢性乙型肝炎的有效方法,并已经在测试阶段有了几种可行的方案。

Hep A and B vaccines are available through Philadelphia Pharmacies, while companies like Arbutus Biopharma are busy hunting for a functional cure for chronic Hep B. and already have several viable possibilities in the testing phase.

“挑战总在于确保人们受到科普,并确保人们知道有希望,有治愈方法,有事情可以做,” Kuncio说。

“The challenge is always making sure that people are educated and making sure people know there’s hope, there’s a cure, there’s something you can do,” said Kuncio.

“我们将在7月28日在Crane Center举行一次乙型肝炎午餐会,当地的医疗服务提供者将发表演讲,患有乙型肝炎的社区成员将分享他们的乙型肝炎故事,” Kollin说道。

“We have a Hep B luncheon on July 28 at the Crane Center in which a local provider will give a talk, and community members with lived experiences will share their Hepatitis B stories,” said Kollin.


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