在很多人眼中,艾伦·多姆是这样的。他是坐拥400多处地产的费城“公寓之王”;他是总资产高达4亿美元,高高在上的亿万富翁;他是一个为了当上市长,花6年时间在市议员的职位上研究政策和费城市民的顾虑,不惜花700万美元拉票的有钱人。In the eyes of many people, Allan Domb is seen as the Philadelphia “Condo King” who owns more than 400 real estate properties. He is also a billionaire with a total asset of $400 million, and a wealthy man who spent six years as a city councilor to understand policies and public sentiment, and spent $7 million to run for mayor. 在记者眼中,艾伦·多姆则是另外一副模样。他是坐着Mini Cooper在唐人街路边停车的费城人;他是一边喝着中国茶一边和你聊天的长辈;他是目光坚毅,不按套路出牌的政治家。According to our reporter, Allan Domb presents a different image. He is a neighbor who parks his Mini Cooper on the side of Chinatown. He is an elder who enjoys chatting over a cup of Chinese tea. He is a politician with a firm gaze who doesn’t adhere to conventional methods.4月14日,艾伦·多姆来到费城唐人街,接受《海华都市报》的独家专访。以下是根据采访整理的专题报道,希望借此,让你对费城第100任市长候选人艾伦·多姆有更多了解。Allan Domb visited Philadelphia Chinatown on April 14 and granted an exclusive interview to Metro Chinese Weekly. The following special report is based on the interview and aims to provide insight into Allan Domb, the candidate for the 100th mayor of Philadelphia.
Our interview with Allan Domb begins with his background. To the surprise of our reporter, he was not a wealthy second-generation individual born “with a silver spoon in his mouth.” In fact, his family was not even considered “middle class and well-off”.并不富裕的家庭,让艾伦·多姆过早体会到生活的艰辛。中国一句老话“穷人的孩子早当家”,用在艾伦·多姆身上,再合适不过。Allan Domb did not come from a wealthy family and experienced life’s hardships at a young age. The old Chinese saying “the children of the poor are early masters” is especially fitting for Allan Domb.在采访中,艾伦·多姆讲起他的童年。当时,他和父母、哥哥,一家四口住在新泽西州李堡的一套“800平方英尺”(约合75平方米)的公寓里。“公寓有两间卧室,一间浴室,每月(租金)100美元”。艾伦·多姆至今还记得,有一次他家租住的公寓有两个星期没有热水。他的妈妈不得不给房东,一个拥有49套公寓单元的大房东,打电话。艾伦的妈妈说:“我们家里没有热水。我们需要帮助。”房东则在电话那头大叫:“你怎么敢在周日给我打电话?”。Allan Domb recounted a childhood story where his family lived in an 800-square-foot apartment in Fort Lee, New Jersey, right across the water from New York City. The apartment had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and cost $100 per month.At one point, they went without hot water for two weeks. Allan’s mother called the landlord, who owned the 49-unit apartment building, and asked for help. The landlord responded, ‘How dare you call me on a Sunday?于是,艾伦的妈妈又打电话到李堡市长办公室要热水。两天后,热水来了。不过,“一周后,由于妈妈的投诉,我们全家被房东驱逐,勒令在30天之内搬家。” 这段经历让艾伦尝到了被人驱逐和游离失所的滋味,刻骨铭心。Instead, Allan Domb’s mother called the mayor of Fort Lee for help, and within two days, they had hot water. However, a week later, the landlord evicted them with 30 days to move out because of the complaint. As a result of this experience, Domb claims that “I know what eviction is like and having unstable housing. I understand it all.”
艾伦·多姆(左)和他的哥哥彼得(大约1965年拍摄)ALLAN DOMB (LEFT) AND HIS OLDER BROTHER PETER CIRCA 1965.图片来源:technical.ly
Photo credit to technical.ly
He also talked about how he had a “strong work ethic instilled by my parents.” He recalls shining shoes with his brother from “5:30 in the morning till 7:35” when he was just 5 years old, delivering newspapers before and after school at 11, and during his high school years working as a janitor and then a dishwasher for minimum wage.高中毕业后,艾伦就读于华盛顿特区的美国大学。大学期间,他在课余时间为马里兰州凯亚茨维尔的Phelps Time Lock Service公司工作,推销安保系统。1976年,在大学毕业获得市场营销学位之后,他来到费城,为Phelps Time Lock Service费城分公司工作,21岁的艾伦“管理着10到15人的团队,用两年半的时间,把业务量翻了三倍”,并获得了每周10美元的加薪。After high school, Domb attended American University in Washington D.C. Afterward, he started selling security systems in Hyattsville, Maryland. In 1976, he graduated with a marketing degree and came to work for Phelps Time Lock Service in Philadelphia, managing “10 to 15 people” at the age of 21. In Philadelphia, he “tripled their business after two and a half years” and was subsequently rewarded with a $10 per week raise.后来,他从天普大学获得了房地产执照,并开始同时做两份全职工作。从早上8点到下午6点,他在第一家公司工作,从下午6:30到晚上10:30还要在一家房地产公司上班,周日也要工作“7到9小时”。在疯狂工作的日子里,艾伦甚至会“利用一个小时的午休时间,回复客户们的电话”。三年后,他全职投身房地产行业。Later, Domb earned his real estate license from Temple University and worked two full-time jobs. He worked at his first full-time job from 8 AM to 6 PM and then worked at the real estate office from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM from Monday to Thursday, from 6:30 PM to 8 PM on Friday, and “7 to 9 hours” on Sundays. He would also “take my one-hour lunch break to return phone calls.” After three years, he went into real estate full-time.
To illustrate Allan Domb’s support for Asian SMEs, we can start with a true story. MEIMEI, a Chinese restaurant in South Philadelphia that opened its doors just before the pandemic, has been hit hard by COVID-19. To survive the city’s lockdown, the restaurant relied on takeout and outdoor dining. However, the building’s operator issued an eviction order to Jay Ho, the owner and chef, due to contract disputes.
2020年12月28日,Mei Mei的老板Jay Ho站在关闭的餐厅前Mei Mei owner Jay Ho stands in front of his shuttered restaurant on Monday, December 28, 2020.图片来源:the Inquirer Photo credit to the Inquirer
On November 29, 2020, the exterior wall of MEIMEI Restaurant was boarded up and the door was locked. After Jay Ho was turned away by security, he posted his story on Instagram. Coincidentally, Allan Domb happened to see the post and contacted both the restaurant owner and the company that operates the building, and sat down to talk on the same day.艾伦·多姆以投资者、餐馆老板和房东的丰富经验,帮助Jay Ho和业主方搁置分歧,经过7个小时的谈判,最终达成协议。MeiMei于2021年1月重张开业。With his extensive experience as an investor, restaurant owner, and landlord, Allan Domb helped Jay Ho and the company put aside their differences. After seven hours of negotiations, they finally reached an agreement, and MeiMei was able to reopen in January 2021.“我很乐意帮忙。在费城,每一位居民和每一个企业的成功都是这座城市的成功。”在采访中,艾伦·多姆(Allan Domb)回忆起他过去为支持费城的企业所做的一切。特别是在新冠疫情期间,他和很多“餐馆、酒店、健身房和其它行业的小企业家”会面,并询问他们“我能为你做些什么?”Allan Domb expressed his willingness to help and stated, “I’m just happy to help. Every resident’s and business’s success in this city is our success, too.” He also shared how he had previously supported businesses in Philadelphia during the COVID-19 pandemic by meeting with various entrepreneurs, such as restaurants, hotels, and gyms, and asking them directly, “How do I help you?”结果大家都看到了。费城862家餐馆开发出室外就餐的新途径,缓解了室内就餐限制的不利影响。这些室外就餐区的申请在3天内就获得了批复。在艾伦·多姆来说,为各种“申请”设定批复时限是解决费城企业面临问题的另一个举措。It seems that Allan Domb’s efforts resulted in 862 restaurants across Philadelphia being able to take advantage of outdoor dining during the pandemic. Furthermore, he pushed for a streamlined process for applications for outdoor seating to be approved within three days. According to Domb, having set and organized time frames for applications is an important step in improving business in Philadelphia.“你想开一家餐厅,政府工作人员应该能够告诉你,这需要60天。如果你想开一家理发店,审批申请需要30天。你有业务变更吗?这将需要90天。我们要改革我们的审批制度,明确审批时间,因为对一个小企业来说,时间就是金钱”。Domb argues that “you should be able to open a restaurant and we should be able to tell you that it will take you 60 days. You want to open a barber shop? It will take you 30 days. You have a zoning change? It will take you 90 days. We need to revamp our systems and attach timeframes, so the government understands that time is essential to a small entrepreneur.”艾伦·多姆还提到,他是如何通过“与亚裔美国人商会、非裔美国人商会、西班牙裔美国人商会等机构合作”,将“企业家、餐馆或其它小企业的税负”降至15.9%的。Domb also mentioned how he lowered the “taxation policies for an entrepreneur or a restaurant or any small business” to 15.9% by “working with the Asian American Chamber…the African American Chamber, the Hispanic Chamber, and LGBTQ [chamber].” He believes that having a lower tax rate allows businesses to “reinvest in their businesses, create jobs, and expand their businesses.”艾伦·多姆提出的另一项与税收有关的议案是在10年内将“近6%的净所得税”降至0%。他通过经济学家的研究得出结论,这项举措将“极大地帮助中小企业、大企业和雇主”,并(为费城)创造“10万个工资优越,能维持家庭生计的工作岗位”。Another tax-related initiative Domb has is to reduce the “Net Income Tax of almost 6%” to 0% over the span of 10 years, which he says would “dramatically help small, medium, and large entrepreneurs and businesses and employers” and create “100,000 good-paying, family sustaining jobs” according to a study he says he conducted with an economic consultant called Econsult Solutions.
Domb has also proposed having bilingual staff in the Commerce Department who can speak various languages to assist Asian-owned and other language-speaking businesses. Additionally, he believes that making Philadelphia more hospitable would make business easier, such as having a friendly greeting when someone calls the City of Philadelphia, such as “Thank you for calling the City of Philadelphia, how may we assist you?”当然,艾伦·多姆所说的“热情好客”远远不止于接听电话。他希望市政府的商务部门能为企业提供一条龙服务,鼓励更多的企业家来到费城。因为有的时候,企业所需要的各种申请和审批,往往搞得人心力交瘁。Domb believes that a welcoming environment would attract more entrepreneurs to Philadelphia, and he suggests that the Commerce Department should assist entrepreneurs from the initial stages of opening a business until its inauguration. According to him, the process of setting up a business is so complicated that many people become frustrated and discouraged. Therefore, he emphasizes the importance of having a dedicated and helpful team that can guide entrepreneurs through the process and make it easier for them.针对费城唐人街的人气没有以前旺这个问题,艾伦提到布鲁金斯学会的一份报告发现,“包括唐人街在内的城市核心区,现在比过去几年(包括18年和19年)更安全”。他说,现任的市长没有充分“宣传这一事实”,如果更多人知道这一报告结果,就会有助于市中心和唐人街人流量的提升。It seems that Domb is suggesting that the mayor should promote the safety of the city, including Chinatown, more actively to attract more traffic to the area. According to a report by the Brookings Institution, the core of the city, including Chinatown, is safer than it has been in the past several years, including 2018 and 2019. Domb believes that if this fact were more widely known, it would benefit not only Center City but also Chinatown, which has been losing traffic to other areas, such as the suburbs.至于用什么来吸引费城郊区居民和外地人来到费城市中心,艾伦认为,除了大家可以谋生之外,费城拥有各种文化的餐厅和最棒球队,魅力十足。“你看看费城人队获胜时,老鹰队获胜时大家的庆祝活动。这些乐趣是你在别的地方感受不到的,只有在费城市中心才有。我们把公共安全治理好,大家享受费城的美就对了。”Why should suburbanites and outsiders come to the city in the first place? Besides the economic benefit that more visitors would have, “all the fun occurs in the city, with the cultural restaurants that we have and the city’s sports teams… looking at what happened when the Phillies were winning, when the Eagles were winning. It wasn’t happening in Ardmore. It was happening in the city. That’s where it was happening. And so we just have to get the public safety under control. But we also need someone who’s the cheerleader for the city… You’re the sub of the urb. We’re the urb.”
Why did he run for mayor when he could have retired?
Many people may have such doubts. Allan Domb is sitting on hundreds of millions of fortunes and “dominating the wind and rain” in his business kingdom. Serving as a city councilor for two terms has also expanded his circle of political friends. If it were someone else, they would like to enjoy their retirement life. Furthermore, being the mayor of Philadelphia is not easy, and one might face criticism. Why does Allan Domb ask for trouble?面对这个问题,艾伦·多姆的目光严峻起来,他说自己辞去市议员的职务,参加市长竞选,是因为费城现在危机四伏。“我们的城市面临种种危机:公共安全危机、就业危机、可负担住房的危机、以及教育和贫困危机。”Domb said he “resigned from council and ran for the mayor, because the city has a crisis, a public safety crisis. We have a good-paying jobs crisis. We have a housing affordability crisis, and an education and poverty crisis.”面对这些危机,艾伦·多姆最想在采访中表达的是,费城面临的最大危机是“领导力危机”。“有了强有力的领导,这些危机才能迎刃而解。任何企业、任何政府、任何机构,只有领导够强,才能成功。费城也是一样。”However, the “best takeaway from this interview” Domb wants us to take is that the biggest crisis of them all is “the crisis of leadership, with strong leadership, you can solve all these problems. You look at any business, any government, any institution, you have strong leadership, you have success. We need that leadership in the city of love.”
“Well, I come from a different experience. So I have a different vision.” But how does Domb have a different experience and vision than other candidates? He said that his “40 years in the private sector, as an entrepreneur, building a business from scratch, creating great jobs, and really building up the city” coupled with his “almost two terms on council in government” make him the “only candidate who has that type of experience in both sectors,” which he says makes him unique. Domb also says that his experience in business has made him able to understand “what it takes to be successful” and “that every entrepreneur’s success is the city’s success.”艾伦·多姆同时表示,“我在自己的竞选网站上发布了一份‘道德计划’,声明我将放弃一切。在我人生的这个阶段,是否多赚100美元,对我来说不会带来任何影响。我已经波澜不惊。”“I published on my website an ethics plan that says I’ll be stepping away from everything. But at this point of my life, whether I made an extra $100 or not, it’s not going to affect me at all. I don’t have a big means.”
As Allan Domb said, his experience in the business gave him a different perspective. When it comes to solving the problems facing Philadelphia, he also does not follow the usual routines, which makes people shine.在采访中,他向记者陈述了上任后,解决费城公共安全危机的策略。“在上任的第一天,我将宣布费城进入犯罪紧急状态,宣布肯辛顿进入公共卫生紧急状态”。In the interview, he stated to reporters his strategy for solving the public safety crisis in Philadelphia after taking office. “On my first day in office, I will declare a criminal emergency in Philadelphia and a public health emergency in Kensington!”.如果当选市长,艾伦·多姆还将每周召集包括警察局长、地区检察官、联邦调查局和法院等所有相关部门开一次公共安全的例会,“会议的时间长短并不重要,重要的是把大家聚在一起,共同解决暴力犯罪的问题”。艾伦补充,“我还将制定10点公共安全计划,这些在我的竞选网站votedomb.com上都能找到。”If elected mayor, Allan Domb will also convene “a weekly meeting, whether it’s one hour or six hours, of the police commissioner, District Attorney, FBI, ATF, Attorney General’s Office, US Attorney, courts, PATCO and SEPTA security, and EDS and MED security. Bringing together, because the key here is to collaborate with everybody to get to the outcome of getting this crime down.” He added, “I will also develop a 10-point public safety plan, which can be found on my campaign website votedomb.com.”以下是艾伦·多姆竞选网站(www.votedomb.com)上贴出的10点公共安全计划,这些计划将在他担任市长的头100天内落实:Here’s the 10 point public safety plan on Allan Domb’s website, votedomb.com, that he says will be implemented in Domb’s first 100 days as mayor:● 上任第一天,宣布费城进入犯罪紧急状态Declare a crime emergency on his first day in office● 严厉打击非法枪支Aggressively crackdown on illegal guns● 宣布肯辛顿进入公共卫生紧急状态Declare a public health emergency in Kensington● 让非法车辆从街道上消失Get illegal vehicles off the street● 严厉打击针对零售的盗窃和惯犯Crackdown on retail theft and repeat offenders● 加大对市政雇员暴力行为的处罚力度Increase penalties for violence against city employees● 用三倍经费来招聘警察Triple funding for recruitment of police officers● 扩大保护计划,防止基于种族、宗教、性别、性取向和性别认同的暴力Expand programs to protect against violence based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity● 在每一所高中安装摄像头,加强与学校领导的协调Install cameras at every high school, increase coordination with school leaders● 清理每一块空地,封闭每一栋废弃建筑Clean every vacant lot, seal every abandoned building在改善费城公立教育的问题上,艾伦·多姆更是独辟蹊径, 侧重于用商业和金融方法来解决问题。他希望费城的年轻人们像他一样努力工作并取得成功,希望“从学前班到12年级,全面教授理财知识。孩子们在学习知识的同时,还应该学习如何创业。”Allan Domb’s approach to reforming public schools is more business and finance-focused, making it more unique than other candidates’ ideas. He said that he wants kids in Philadelphia to work hard and become successful like he has and wants to “teach financial literacy, kindergarten to 12th grade, across the board. I want to teach technology K through 12, and I want to teach entrepreneurship.”艾伦·多姆提议实施一项计划,“学生们每周上四天课,第五天要通过工作来获得学分和报酬。”他说,这将“把年轻人抓牢,给他们工作机会,让他们不再在街头闲逛。在这些年轻人毕业时,他们将有不同的工作经验。”这也会帮助解决费城劳动力短缺的问题。Domb also proposed implementing a program where “students go to school four days a week, but on the fifth day, working a job, get credit, and get paid.” He said that this would “take young people and give them a tremendous opportunity for a job, get them off the street. They’ll graduate with different job experiences.” He also mentioned the labor shortage as a problem that this would address.艾伦·多姆以北费城的克里斯托·雷高中举例,该校已经开展了类似的项目,“学校让那些遭受严重家庭暴力的孩子们每周上课四天,然后在学校里工作一天。去年,该项目99%的参加者不仅高中毕业,而且被大学录取”。Domb cited Cristo Rey High School in North Philadelphia as an example of a school that does this program, “and it’s for families who have suffered severe violence in their family. These kids go to school four days a week, they work one day a week at a job in high school…. Last year, they graduated 99% of the kids, and of the 99%, 100% were admitted to college.”对76人新球馆计划,艾伦·多姆则谋求寻找一种双赢的解决方法。他认为,“现在还不到做出决定的时间”,是否允许在唐人街附近修建新球馆,应该由下一任费城市长来作出决定。Allan Domb seeks to find a win-win solution for the 76ers’ new arena plan. He argues that the “decision shouldn’t be made now” and that it should be up to the next mayor whether or not to allow the arena to be built.“如果我当选下一任市长,我将召开各方会议,参会者包括唐人街、76人队、SEPTA和杰斐逊车站、杰斐逊医院等利益相关方的代表”,艾伦·多姆在接受采访时表示,杰斐逊医院也需要参会,是“因为交通拥堵将影响急救车把病人及时送到医院”。“And as the next mayor, what I would do is I would call a meeting of all parties” which include, according to him, Chinatown, the Sixers, SEPTA and Jefferson Station, Jefferson Hospital, “because of congestion [and] getting emergency vehicles to Jefferson Hospital,” and others.在艾伦·多姆看来,大家不应该把76人队新球馆视为“真空”,附近的警察局和非裔美国人博物馆也应该同时被考虑进去,因为它们也需要改造。“我们必须把所有的事摆在桌面上, 让大家明明白白。”Domb also thinks that we should not think of the Sixers stadium “in a vacuum” and should also consider the police station and African American Museum, which would need to be redeveloped. He claims that “we have to have everything out in the open. Everything has to be transparent.”与此同时,艾伦·多姆对万安街高速公路的“加盖”工程表示支持。该工程项目将把被高速路一分为二的费城唐人街重新“连接”起来。Domb also supports the Vine Street Expressway capping project, which aims to reconnect the Northern and Southern halves of Chinatown by covering specific sections of the expressway.
After the interview, Allan Domb excitedly wandered around Philadelphia’s Chinatown and took photos in front of the iconic Chinese archway. If he hadn’t been rushing off to the next campaign event, you might have seen him talking to friends with a cup of bubble tea in hand.
Seeing him squeezing himself into the Mini Cooper against the backdrop of Philly’s Chinatown, we couldn’t help but feel that Allan Domb is both different and similar to the people of Philadelphia. Like all Philadelphians, he loves the city deeply.本篇报道是Every Voice, Every Vote项目的系列文章之一。This story is part of the Every Voice, Every Vote series.
Allan Domb与华裔选民举行小型座谈会
Philadelphia mayoral candidate Allan Domb is scheduled to host a small forum with voters at EMei Restaurant, and visit store owners in Chinatown and on Wednesday, May 10th at 1pm. If you’re interested in participating, please scan the QR code below on WeChat to contact us. 费城市长候选人Allan Domb计划于5月10日(周三)下午1点,在峨嵋山庄与华裔选民举行小型座谈会,并拜访唐人街的店主。如果您有兴趣参加,请扫描下方二维码联系我们。