On Tuesday, August 6, both the Trump and Harris campaigns rallied for support in Philadelphia, the biggest city of the state that may decide the White House’s occupant for the next 4 years.2024年8月6日(星期二),天普大学的利亚库拉斯中心人山人海,大约一万两千名观众前来观看哈里斯和她刚刚宣布的竞选搭档蒂姆·沃尔兹的首次联合演讲。宾州的民主党人,如州长夏皮罗、参议员费特曼和鲍勃·凯西,以及费城市长帕克也一同出席。On Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Temple University’s Liacouras Center was packed to above capacity, with more than 12,000 in attendance to hear Kamala Harris and her newly announced running mate, Tim Walz, speak together for the first time, alongside Pennsylvania Democrats such as Governor Josh Shapiro, Senators John Fetterman and Bob Casey Jr., and Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker. 这场热闹的集会展现了自哈里斯取代拜登成为民主党候选人以来该党派焕发的新活力。人群中的欢呼声震耳欲聋,以至于本报记者在活动结束后几个小时耳朵仍嗡嗡作响。The animated rally embodied the Democratic Party’s newfound spark since Kamala Harris’s replacement of Joe Biden as the party’s nominee, with the crowd’s cheers so loud that our reporter’s ears were still ringing for hours after the event.
Senator Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania speaks to the more than 12,000 in attendance at the Liacouras Center. Photo Credit: Elsie Shin - Korean Phila Times
In his first public appearance as the Democratic nominee for Vice President, Walz introduced himself to Philadelphia and the national audience – he cited his background as a schoolteacher, football coach who led his high school to their first state championship, GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) club sponsor during a time when being LGBTQ+ was still a taboo, and veteran, who was encouraged by his students to run for public office.
Walz highlighted his humble upbringing – “I lived in Butte, a small town of 400, where community was a way of life. Growing up, I spent the summers working on the family farm. My mom and dad taught us: show generosity towards your neighbors and work for a common good.”
He attacked his adversary, Vance, who has attempted to portray a similar blue-collar image of himself, sarcastically saying that “like all regular people I grew up with in the heartland, JD studied at Yale, had his career funded by Silicon Valley billionaires, and then wrote a best-seller trashing that community. Come on! That’s not what Middle America is about!”明尼苏达州州长沃尔兹还抨击了特朗普的犯罪记录和共和党关于其政策能减少犯罪的常见论点,声称“毫无疑问,特朗普执政期间暴力犯罪有所增加,而这还不包括他自己犯下的罪行!”The Minnesota governor attacked Donald Trump’s criminal record and the frequent Republican argument that their policies reduce crime, claiming that “make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump. And that’s not even counting the crimes he committed!”
Kamala Harris applauds as Tim Walz speaks at the Liacouras Center In Philadelphia
Photo Credit: Elsie Shin - Korean Phila Times
沃尔兹坚称,尽管共和党的优先事项是个人自由,但现在民主党才是真正自由的政党。他对观众说:“在明尼苏达州,即使有不同的看法,我们也会尊重邻居和他们做出的个人选择。为人处事有一条黄金法则那就是:管好你自己。”Walz maintained that despite the Republican Party’s priorities of individual freedoms, the Democratic Party was now the party of freedom, telling the crowd that “in Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make, even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves. There’s a golden rule: Mind your own damn business.”沃尔兹直白、幽默的演讲,注定会成为头条新闻和社交媒体上的热门话题。演讲中提到了他被选为哈里斯竞选搭档的部分原因——他能够以令人难忘且易于理解的方式抨击共和党人,比如使用了“怪异”这一梗,这个梗自此主导了选举讨论,尤其是在网上。Walz’s speech was full of plain-spoken, witty one-liners bound to make headliners and social media virality such as these, showing part of the reason for why he was chosen as Harris’s running mate – he is able to attack Republicans in a memorable and clearly understable way, such as with the “weird” meme that has since dominated election talk, especially online.哈里斯和沃尔兹还介绍了竞选活动的新主题,与此前“拜登-哈里斯竞选活动”传达的内容不同——不再只是特意避开提及特朗普,而是更多关于希望和为更美好未来而奋斗,人群中反复出现的口号是“我们不会回头!”Harris and Walz also introduced the themes of the new campaign, as opposed to what the Biden/Harris campaign was conveying – less about avoiding Trump, more about hope and fighting for a better future, with a repeated chant among the crowd being “we’re not going back!”而在另一方面,由共和党总统候选人特朗普的竞选搭档万斯主导的竞选集会也在南费城如期召开。集会仅有约200人入场–约占场地满员容量的15%。包括《海华都市报》的记者在内的约十几人因坐席已满而被特勤局禁止入场,特朗普宾州传媒总监甚至质疑本报是否与任何外国政府有联系。Meanwhile, in South Philadelphia, around a dozen people, including our reporter, were barred from entering by the Secret Service, despite the rally drawing only 200 people – 15% of its full capacity. We, and approximately a dozen people, were not able to receive media credentials due to the venue being full, with the Trump PA Communications Director questioning us if we have connections to any foreign government.对此,《海华都市报》发送了一份声明称,《海华都市报》所属的新主流媒体公司在长达17年的运营历程中未与任何外国政府、机构或利益集团建立联系,也未收到任何支持,新主流媒体完全由广告和地方新闻基金资助运营。然而,截至目前《海华都市报》仍未收到任何回复。We sent a statement declaring that across 17 years of operation, New Mainstream Media has not established any connections with and does not receive any support from any foreign governments, institutions, or interests, and that New Mainstream Media is entirely funded by advertising and finance assistance for minority local news development during the pandemic. Still, we did not receive a response.一名会场外的特朗普支持者将未能入场的原因归咎于更大的阴谋,称“这就是我们现在生活的美国。我们再也没有自由了,我们被锁在了外面。这不是特勤局的问题,这其中有更大的问题。”One Trump supporter outside of the venue blamed a larger conspiracy for why the rest of the attendees could not get in – “This is the America that we’re living in now. We don’t have any freedom anymore. We’re locked out. I don’t think it’s the Secret Service, I think that it’s something bigger.”
A deaf Trump supporter stands outside the venue of J.D. Vance’s rally, proudly waving the American flag. Photo Credit: Metro Chinese Weekly
A left-wing “instigator”, as some of the Trump supporters called them, said that it was plainly because it is a small “one-story building” and that he had never heard of before, despite having lived in South Philadelphia. Other Trump followers outside of the venue also argued that it was plainly an unorganized event or that they thought the venue might be full.会场外混乱不堪,反对者举着标语,朝支持者大喊“特朗普的沙发狂热者”等侮辱性言论,而特朗普的支持者则也以骂声回击。在谈到这样做的目的时,一位反对者称,“我们要把法西斯分子赶出费城”。并表示,这次集会与特朗普之前的集会曾和白人至上主义仇恨组织“爱国者前线”合作。The scene on the street outside of the arena was chaotic, with “instigators” holding signs and yelling things like “couch humpers for Trump” at supporters, with the Trump followers yelling back with their own insults. On what the purpose of such a demonstration is, an “instigator” proclaimed that “we chase fascists out of this city”, mentioning that it had worked with previous Trump rallies and the Patriot Front, a White Supremacist hate group.
An “instigator” outside of the J.D. Vance rally, yelling “couch humpers for Trump”
Photo Credit: Metro Chinese Weekly
在会场内,万斯和其他被邀请上台的人重复了共和党的论点,称是拜登-哈里斯政府导致了南部边境的危机,加剧了阿片类药物危机,放任费城等城市的犯罪率上升,并使人们的经济和生活水平恶化。Inside the venue, Vance and others invited on stage repeated Republican arguments that the Biden/Harris administration has caused a crisis at the southern border and a worsened opioid crisis as a result, has allowed increased crime rates in cities like Philadelphia, and has worsened the economy and standard of living.哈里斯竞选团队此次在费城的竞选集会正式开启了在七个关键摇摆州的全国巡回演讲计划——宾夕法尼亚州、威斯康星州、密歇根州、北卡罗来纳州、乔治亚州、亚利桑那州和内华达州。特朗普的竞选搭档万斯也将紧随其后,计划三天内在宾夕法尼亚州、威斯康星州、密歇根州和北卡罗来纳州开展巡回竞选活动。值得一提的是,这些地点与哈里斯计划的地点相同,目的正是在扼杀民主党的势头。
Harris’s rally kicked off a nationwide tour of seven key battleground states – Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. Trump running mate J.D. Vance is set to follow Kamala Harris with events of his own on a three-day tour of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina, all in the same cities as Harris’s events, hoping to kill the Democrat’s momentum.目前来看,至少万斯的计划在费城似乎没有奏效,特别是与哈里斯的活动相比,后者吸引了超过万斯集会60倍的人数。如果万斯想要打压哈里斯巡回演讲的势头,那他需要比在费城演讲时更加努力。At least in Philadelphia, it doesn’t appear to have worked, especially when contrasted with Harris’s event, which attracted more than 60 times the amount of people as the Vance rally. If Vance wants to slow down the Kamala tour, he will need to put up a better fight than he did in Philadelphia.